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  1. Wyorp Rock

    Shell-less egg

    If it was just the 2 eggs and all is back to normal, then I'd mark it up to a glitch.
  2. Wyorp Rock

    Shell-less egg

    What do you feed, including treats? Do you provide oyster shell free choice? Can you take a sample of poop to a vet and have a fecal float to rule out worms? Any lice/mites? If you've checked them over and everyone seems good, there's no off behavior, then I'd just monitor for now, see if...
  3. Wyorp Rock

    Shell-less egg

    How old are your hens? Sometimes soft shelled eggs can be just a glitch, but if you know which hen is laying them, then you can give her Extra Calcium for several days to see if that firms up the shell. You can find Calcium Citrate with D3 in the vitamin aisle of stores like Walmart, CVS, etc...
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