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  1. thecatumbrella

    Breeds for Confinement

    Thank you everyone for your contributions! Based on the feedback, we'll likely add an Orpington, Speckled Sussex, and Brahma in the spring. I'll come back and update with their ratings once they've integrated. In the meantime, I hope more folks will chime in with their experiences. It's been...
  2. thecatumbrella

    Breeds for Confinement

    I am learning something new every day here! I have to take another look at Brahmas once we get a legit coop built (I don't think it could fit through the Omlet door 😅). Do you have a hard time keeping their feet clean? We scoop our run multiple times a day, but they still inevitably step in...
  3. thecatumbrella

    Breeds for Confinement

    That honestly makes a lot of sense. I wish this was more common knowledge. Unfortunately, there seems to be a correlation between really big/small and broodiness... which is what steered us away from these breeds to begin with. In hindsight, I'd rather deal with a broody bird than a bully bird.
  4. thecatumbrella

    Breeds for Confinement

    Those ayam ketwas have some legs on them! Hoping they don't use them to run from cuddles.
  5. thecatumbrella

    Breeds for Confinement

    This legitimately made me LOL. Gotta watch out for the little ones that can hit below the belt 😂
  6. thecatumbrella

    Breeds for Confinement

    Ha! What is it with animals and tiny syndrome? 😂 I suppose you have to survive somehow.
  7. thecatumbrella

    Breeds for Confinement

    I hadn't really considered this. I'm guessing the bantam versions have different dispositions than their full-size counterparts? And thank you for listing some specific large-scale breeds! I see a lot of love for Orpingtons and Cochins.
  8. thecatumbrella

    Breeds for Confinement

    Good morning everyone! 🙂 I was hoping to generate some discussion on which (full-size) chickens breeds you've found to do best in confinement. I'll define "confinement" as being enclosed to the minimum of 10 sqft/bird in the run with limited to no free-range access. I imagine this would...
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