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  1. tripletfeb

    Washing eggs question

    If I had to buy eggs, Eggland's best is the best to me because they have higher amounts of Omega 3. But farm fresh is always the best, hands down
  2. tripletfeb

    Washing eggs question

    And keep in mind, once an egg is refridgerated(sp) it needs to stay cold. Unless you have it sitting out to bake with, some recipes need room temp eggs. But once cold, they need to stay cold
  3. tripletfeb

    Washing eggs question

    I would just pick off the straw and random feather. There is no reason whatsoever to bleach or sterilize an egg before cracking it open. The bloom on the egg(before it's washed) is nature's way of keeping the inside contents clean. Think about it, the egg inside could become a chick if it were...
  4. tripletfeb

    Washing eggs question

    Oh, and one more tip. Put those bad boys in the carton with the pointy end down, they store longer that way
  5. tripletfeb

    Washing eggs question

    And please don't toss the dirty eggs. That's a huge waste. Eggs get dirty, it happens
  6. tripletfeb

    Washing eggs question

    I personally wouldn't wash any of those. Just make sure you don't get dirt in anything when you crack them. If it makes you feel better, wash them right before you use them. No need to sanitize, eggs have a bloom on them, that keeps dirt and germs out. And don't worry about your counter, just...
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