5 week old chick with white growth in eye


Jun 8, 2015
Ahhh, help please! I have been searching the web for any hint on what my little rooster could have wrong with his eye. I noticed a white growth in his eye a couple of days ago but it's definately worse today. I attached a picture hoping that someone will recognize what this may be... I also noticed it in one more of my little rooster.. We have 30 chicks in total, 80 of them roosters. I haven't seen it in any female chicks yet... Any idea?

Thanks so much in advance for any hints..
It could be an overgrowth of the conjuntiva or the nictitating membrane. The pupil (black center of eye) looks irregular in the picture--is it not round when you see it? Mareks disease can cause irregular shaped pupils and tumors. It could be tumor or swelling of normal tissue., such as in conjunctivitis from MG (mycoplasma gallisepticum.) Mareks disease can cause irregular shaped pupils and tumors. Is there any symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as sneezing, runy nose, or eye drainage? If possible, I would have a vet look at it.
The pupil looks regular (as far as I can see it since part is hidden behind that growth...). The other eye is also totally fine and normal, no sneezing, no runny eyes or nose. They all look and seem super healthy otherwise. I tried to wash the eye with eyewash yesterday evening and this morning but it doesn't seem to improve anything...
Would it be possible that it is an eye worm? Any experience with that?
Thank you so much @Eggcessive
It looks more like an injury or infection to me. Personally, I would try some Tylan 50 given orally 1/2 ml twice a day for 5 days.

Eye worm is common in tropical areas where the Surinam cockroach lives, and can usually be seen as an 1/8 inch long worm in the eye. Manson eye worm can be treated by putting a small amount of Valbazen into an equal amount of water or saline and instilling into each eye. Then give 1/2 ml of Valbazen orally to each chicken, and repeat in 10 days. Some older articles recommend using phesol (Lysol) in the eye, but I wouldn't recommend that. The worm travels from the throat to the eye, so a dewormer has to be included. Here is an article about them: https://books.google.com/books?id=i...=onepage&q=manson eye worm in poultry&f=false

Blown up that large, you can really see the bubbles along with the nasal drainage. My computer doesn't enlarge the picture as well as Casportpony's. I think that MG could be a good possibility. Testing could be done either by doing a culture, or by sacrificing a bird for a necropsy by the state vet. MG is contagious and can make carriers of your flock for life, so probably a good thing to test. Here are a couple of links to read about MG:
I have a trick for zooming in like that. Do right mouse click on the the picture, then open in new window. Doing that allows one to view a much larger version. From there I use something called "snipping tool"... select the part of the picture that shows what I see and add highlights or lines. Kind of fun!

I have a trick for zooming in like that. Do right mouse click on the the picture, then open in new window. Doing that allows one to view a much larger version. From there I use something called "snipping tool"... select the part of the picture that shows what I see and add highlights or lines. Kind of fun!

Thanks Kathy, that is great to know!

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