Apr 1, 2016 #1 srogers166 Hatching Jul 14, 2015 2 0 7 I am not sure what this is. Is it from being ridden too much? Is it molting or mites. The are golden comets and are about 9 to 10 months old.
I am not sure what this is. Is it from being ridden too much? Is it molting or mites. The are golden comets and are about 9 to 10 months old.
Apr 1, 2016 #2 Wyorp Rock 🐓 ❤ 🐛 Premium Feather Member 9 Years Sep 20, 2015 61,207 91,436 1,632 Southern N.C. Mountains Looks like rooster treading. Either separate your rooster or get those girls some saddles.