Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Chicks Gender Help


Jun 14, 2015
I have 2 four week old blue laced red Wyandotte chicks that I am trying to figure out gender. These are our first Wyandottes. One is very light in coloration and the other darker blue. Please let me know your opinions. The darker chick has a darker comb and more color/lacing. Thanks in advance!

Light chick #1

Darker chick #2

I don't have early pics showing the lighter/darker contrast as chicks but here are some pics of them a little older.

Pullet up front. Cockerel behind.

Cockerel on left.
Thanks for the reply. I have a feeling he is a roo. Of course I was hoping for a pullet. Do blue laced red Wyandotte roosters tend to be calm or docile in your experience?
We kept 1 out of the 3 that ended up being Roos. He is very calm but doesn't like being held (like most Roos). No issues of aggression with people or the hens.
Well let's hope this little guy is like that. He is looking so beautiful already. But I have kids and they help with the chicken chores so I don't need a mean roo.
Ok so here are some more pictures. Let me know if you need better ones. Thanks again for all the help. Such a pretty bird I would love to keep it. I do have a buyer for it if it is a cockerel. But they want one soon so I really have to make a decision now if I want to sell. On side note, what would a bird like this go for?

Thanks again



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