Sexing a 9 Week Old Barred Rock


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2016
Catlettsburg, KY


I'm new to chicken raising and we were given a barred rock that was an unwanted Easter gift. It's roughly 9 weeks old and I'm having trouble telling if it's a pullet or cockerel. Can anybody help me? I can take more pictures if needed.
Coloring is dark for a cockerel, but that's a lot of comb for a 9 week old. I am not positive, but I think cockerel.
Hi, I agree the color in dark like a pullet but the comb seems large. What color are the front of the legs? Supposedly white wash legs are cockerel and dark legs are pullet. I have 3 barred rocks that are 10 weeks old. One has had me thinking roo because of how white she is. But none of them have combs as big as that. I would say that sometimes they just don't fit the standard and each is an individual...

Interesting question about being another breed. Cuckoo Marans seems a lot less common than Barred Rock.

Best wishes either way :)

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