Hey All,
I unloaded a bunch of planter boxes into one main planter box and all the girls made a b-line to this newly turned soil. The were in heaven I think.
This got me to thinking: What makes for the absolute best dust bathing material?
Here are some of the suggestions I've seen.
Wood Ash
Fine / dusty dirt
Diatomaceous earth
What else?
I'd love to get peoples thoughts on:
1) What material mix / proportions would make the absolute, world's best dust bath for chickens?
2) Does temperature outside and in the dust bath mix make a difference? If it is hot outside are the girls going to be looking for cooler dust bathing stuff?
3) Do they just get tired of certain areas no matter how perfect the bath is and look for another spot to try out?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and suggestions!
BTW, here are the girls as happy as could be (click for larger image):

Here is our Buff Orp dusting herself. Hard to tell what the picture is with her being so contorted and flailing all over... just looks like a mound of feathers or like something out of the Matrix:
I unloaded a bunch of planter boxes into one main planter box and all the girls made a b-line to this newly turned soil. The were in heaven I think.
This got me to thinking: What makes for the absolute best dust bathing material?
Here are some of the suggestions I've seen.
Wood Ash
Fine / dusty dirt
Diatomaceous earth
What else?
I'd love to get peoples thoughts on:
1) What material mix / proportions would make the absolute, world's best dust bath for chickens?
2) Does temperature outside and in the dust bath mix make a difference? If it is hot outside are the girls going to be looking for cooler dust bathing stuff?
3) Do they just get tired of certain areas no matter how perfect the bath is and look for another spot to try out?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and suggestions!
BTW, here are the girls as happy as could be (click for larger image):

Here is our Buff Orp dusting herself. Hard to tell what the picture is with her being so contorted and flailing all over... just looks like a mound of feathers or like something out of the Matrix: