Miniature bantam partridge hen?


Apr 1, 2014
Longville, La


This is Henrietta. We have had her a little over 2 years. She came to us as a rescue from a family member. She was getting picked on by their other chickens because she is so tiny. She is about 6-7" tall when she stretches up.
She loves being a foster mother and has successfully hatched out 3 eggs each spring.
Last year

This year (middle left with daddy)

She tries to sit on more but we always take away the extras layed under her. This year she fostered 3 full size Cochin babies who were bigger than her by the time they got to be 5 weeks old.

I don't know if I read it somewhere or if I just made up the name. Is there such a thing as a "miniature bantam partridge" breed?
She looks just like our Pixie who is exactly the same - she's discovered the joys of being a mother and now would rather do that than lay eggs. She went broody at just over a year old so we let her hatch some eggs. She was a great Mum but was laying again by the time they were 6 weeks old. She laid for a month before going broody again! So we gave her 6 newly hatched Orpington chicks. She adores them, loved them from the moment she first heard them cheeping. She's an awesome broody because she lets us handle the chicks right from the start. Her babies are 2 weeks old now and don't all fit under her any more but they are all inside by the fire (it's winter where I am) so everyone is warm and toasty. I fear we will be indulging our little broody quite often! Old English Game Bantams are great little chickens.

Here's our Pixie with some of her babies.

She looks just like our Pixie who is exactly the same - she's discovered the joys of being a mother and now would rather do that than lay eggs. She went broody at just over a year old so we let her hatch some eggs. She was a great Mum but was laying again by the time they were 6 weeks old. She laid for a month before going broody again! So we gave her 6 newly hatched Orpington chicks. She adores them, loved them from the moment she first heard them cheeping. She's an awesome broody because she lets us handle the chicks right from the start. Her babies are 2 weeks old now and don't all fit under her any more but they are all inside by the fire (it's winter where I am) so everyone is warm and toasty. I fear we will be indulging our little broody quite often! Old English Game Bantams are great little chickens. Here's our Pixie with some of her babies.
She is raising some cute little chicks!

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