BCM rooster with a swollen hock


5 Years
Jul 7, 2014
Wondering if anyone can tell me what to do for my BCM rooster. His right hock is about twice the size of his left and he cannot bear weight on his R. foot. He's eating and drinking normally, but stays to himself d/t his difficulty getting around on his one good leg. Seeing a local vet is not an option; we do not have one locally. I've given him 4 doses of PCN, but the hock is still hot and swollen. Any suggestions?
Wondering if anyone can tell me what to do for my BCM rooster. His right hock is about twice the size of his left and he cannot bear weight on his R. foot. He's eating and drinking normally, but stays to himself d/t his difficulty getting around on his one good leg. Seeing a local vet is not an option; we do not have one locally. I've given him 4 doses of PCN, but the hock is still hot and swollen. Any suggestions?

Can you post some photos - some of the hocks, how he stands or lays down and the whole bird?
How old is he?
He's about 7 months old.
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It's hard to see. What does the hock joint itself look like?
Is there discoloration to the hock, any oozing/bubbling at the joint?
Is he mainly laying down or can he walk at all?

You may want to separate him so you can monitor him more closely.
Give some poultry vitamins contain B2(Riboflavin). Make sure he is eating chick starter or an all flock/flock raiser feed - he needs the extra protein.

It could be injury or an illness like Mycoplasma synoviae. Will wait to see what skin/hock joint looks like.
Oh, yes. The joint is twice the size of his left one. I started all my flock on tetracycline this morning; we'll see if that helps.
Thank you for your response. Yes, I'm hoping it helps; he's a beautiful roo.

FWIW read up on the Mycoplasm S. it is considered contagious and he would be a carrier if he recovers.
It is one of the common illnesses that can possible be passed on, so careful consideration would be in order if you are planning on breeding him.

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