What are these? Beak clips? Blinders?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 28, 2014
I swear I can't find the right term for these to google what they are so I come to you for advice.

. I bought some young laying hens this week and they had these on their beaks. I assume they are for pecking issues. I've never seen these.

How easy are they to remove and should we? I just assumed they were on top but they seem pretty attached inside the nostril and I didn't want to hurt them. I'm not sure how they attach.

Those are called 'pinless peepers' and they're usually on for good reason, lol... they're to keep them from pecking on each other... some birds just won't stop til they draw blood and that's like letting the sharks loose...
Ok thanks. I finally found some info on them. We popped them off this morning. I'll let you know,if that was a bad idea.
I've had chickens for 3 years and have never ran across these. Just when I thought I knew everything about chickens.
Hmm...wonder why they had them on them?
Not sure I would have bought birds with those installed, usually indicates there was a problem I wouldn't want to inherit.
Do let us know how they get on.
Are they difficult to apply? I see some with pins and some with clips.... I have 2 roos that need them. I'm trying to rehome both roos, but so far, no takers....One picks on the other, so I had to separate him, but he wants to pick on my youngsters.....
Are they difficult to apply? I see some with pins and some with clips.... I have 2 roos that need them. I'm trying to rehome both roos, but so far, no takers....One picks on the other, so I had to separate him, but he wants to pick on my youngsters.....

Very easy to apply if you have the pliers that open up the peepers. Now you have to lock the chicken between your left arm and body and have your hand control the head while your right hand apply the peepers. It may take a few practice but you have to be firm since the chicken will try to avoid the peeper while you put it on.
Thank you! After I posted this, I found more threads on the subject.... I ordered some on ebay.... I think I'll be glad I got them. A few people recommended using hot water to soften them up and then apply them by hand.

LOL, I think I'd avoid letting somebody stick things in my nose too!
Thank you! After I posted this, I found more threads on the subject.... I ordered some on ebay.... I think I'll be glad I got them. A few people recommended using hot water to soften them up and then apply them by hand.

LOL, I think I'd avoid letting somebody stick things in my nose too! :lol:

Ha ha ha, I wouldn't put in hot water tho, the two side prongs will go in their sensitive nostrils and might cause bleeding due to temp, If you get the good quality ones, I got from Amazon they are pliable and will hold firm. I used them couple of years ago when a few of my layers were hormonal and mean, now non of them wears them - mean girls lol
lol, "mean girls!" I know right, some are as bad as roosters! ......

Ok, I'll not use hot water, I certainly don't want to cause more discomfort than necessary. I hope the ones I ordered are decent quality, I made sure I got some here in the US, not imported from China or somewhere else.....

I was hoping to rehome these guys, but if I don't get any takers I'll have them processed in a couple of months. Until then, I need something to help maintain peace! Its difficult for me to know when "establishing the pecking order" has degraded into "lets beat up on this lower ranking chicken.".... Plus, the days are getting longer, so spring is just around the corner, and everybody's getting more hormonal by the day

Until yesterday, I'd never heard of these things! I was just googling around looking for something that might help out, and I found them..... the things we do for our birds

Thanks again!

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