Budgie gender & color?


6 Years
Mar 15, 2013
Signing off for good. No longer own fowl or poultr
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Hi I just got this new baby to be a new companion for my older one that lost its friend & I was wondering what it might be, male or female and what exactly is its color called?



Also this is my older bird, I would like to know what it is as well, gender & name of color?

Thanks for any help that you might be.
Hi there! They are gorgeous!

How old are there? Do you know? If your older budgie is a couple of years old, or even just close to one year old, then she is a female. Her 'cere' will go a crusty brown when it comes into breeding season..if she was a boy i imagine she would have a dark blue or even a light blue cere by now..shes really pretty, i have a male budgie with the exact same coloring's.

As for the younger one, my guess is that she is a female too....She has a lighty colored cere...

2 snips from the internet...

"Identify a female budgie. A female adult budgie's cere is usually a white or pale brown. As she becomes more fertile and ready to produce eggs, the cere will become a darker tan or brownish pink in color.[5]
If the budgie is fertile and ready to breed, you may also notice the cere thicken and become crusty.[6] The cere build up can be about a centimeter thick.[7]"

"Identify a male budgie. Most male budgies in the breeding mood have a bright or royal blue cere. Sometimes, the vibrant color can appear purple-blue.[2] This color will lighten to a pale whitish blue when the budgie is not in the breeding mood.[3]
If you've identified your budgie as male and notice his cere turn brown, he may have a medical condition.[4]"

As for the name of the colors, refer to this link:http://puppiesareprozac.com/budgie-parakeet/colors-varieties-mutations-genetics/

Best of luck...:)

Thanks for your reply. My new budgie is 12 weeks old, that's what the pet store told me yesterday when I bought it. My other budgie is 3 years old, I also bought it at 12 weeks of age. I had always thought it was a female but was told that it was a male by others on here back when I first got it. So thinking that it was a male I went looking for a female yesterday since it lost its last companion(it was definitely male) it's perfectly fine that they both are females. I will have an excuse to buy another one
Thank you poultrybonkers. I started doubting that the older one was female today, he started being really interested in the new one, dancing around and making noises at her. They are in separate cages for now and she could care less about his showing off at this point lol.
If I were to breed them, when will she be mature enough or ready to breed? Do opaline birds have normal cere colors for their genders?
Thank you poultrybonkers. I started doubting that the older one was female today, he started being really interested in the new one, dancing around and making noises at her. They are in separate cages for now and she could care less about his showing off at this point lol.
If I were to breed them, when will she be mature enough or ready to breed? Do opaline birds have normal cere colors for their genders?

I breed mine at a year old and yes opalines get normal cere colors so hers will turn crusty brown when ready to mate which can be as soon as 5-6 months only colors that ceres never turn blue is albinos,lutinos and recessive pieds males ceres of those colors never change from pink but hens of any color turn crusty brown when mature
If you bred them you would get normals split for opaline and recessive unless the recessive is split for opaline,albino/lutino if he were hes give opalines of either sex and lutino/albino hens and males split to it
Normals? As in the common Greens? Sorry if I'm bothering you with all the questions but I'm really interested in raising budgies, & I hope to have a huge outside aviary this summer for them to play in warm months. I hope to have all colors some day.
I saw a nice green & blue one that you raised on your page, greenish wings light blue body, what colors would I need to produce that?
Normals? As in the common Greens? Sorry if I'm bothering you with all the questions but I'm really interested in raising budgies, & I hope to have a huge outside aviary this summer for them to play in warm months. I hope to have all colors some day.
I saw a nice green & blue one that you raised on your page, greenish wings light blue body, what colors would I need to produce that?

Normals as in normal blues as neither bird is green and for mine id need to know which bird exactly as I had lots and most likely had the grandparents at some point lol and ask away budgies are my thing lol ive been breeding since 2008
Ok awesome! Blue is my favorite color, that's why I picked the recessive pied
Did you ever cross the two colors that I have? I'm sure you probably did, if so do you have any pictures of the chicks?
And this is the bird that I saw on your page, actually I would love to know how to get all 3 that are in the photo.
Thank you poultrybonkers. I started doubting that the older one was female today, he started being really interested in the new one, dancing around and making noises at her. They are in separate cages for now and she could care less about his showing off at this point lol.
If I were to breed them, when will she be mature enough or ready to breed? Do opaline birds have normal cere colors for their genders?
I'll pipe in quickly....i apoligze, i never zoomed in on the older bird photo...and i gave you the wrong information....th older birds IS indeed a male...

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