Hi everyone, I noticed my red sex-link has been acting semi lethargic for the past few days. Now I say semi lethargic because she is acting some what aware of her surroundings and will still come to the gate to be let outside does come running for treats and her comb and wattels are still red, but then she's acting very slow, puffed out, sitting a lot, refusing to roost at night or unable to jump up, and is not really eating or drinking just picking at stuff. I brought her inside and I'm keeping her in a cooler room so she doesn't get to warm but she's not freezing either. Since it's winter my egg production has dropped to about one egg a day and I have eight hens. The egg is usually from my Easter egger so I really don't think my red sex-link laying at all. I did give her a quick bath and checked for mites/lice and I didn't see anything suspicious. After the bath I soaked her in epsom salt for 15 to 20 minutes just in case if she is egg bound or injured her legs/feet. She's giving me a really hard time with eating and drinking. I can get her to take small sips of water and the only thing I can get her to eat is yogurt, bread, and meal worms. I have made scrambled eggs, gave her layer feed, cut up strawberries, gave her carrot peels, cut up parsley, and she picks at them a little bit but won't eat it fully. She is having really runny green poops and they smell absolutely terrible I've never smelt something like this before. She's also kind of uneasy on her feet and will flop to one side sometimes. I'm really not sure what to treat for because I'm nervous she got into the moldy pile of pumpkins I was in the process of getting rid of. I've never had an issue with them before they usually just stay away. She also likes to venture on her own when free ranging so I'm not sure if she ate something bad. The ground has been hard and covered in snow, but I did let them out when we had a really unusual warm day and all the snow was pretty much gone. She was fine one day and then very ill the next. Attached is the picture of the poop she's been having, any advice will be greatly appreciated!