Sick Hen


9 Years
Jun 16, 2014
South Jersey - down on the farm.
I have a 3 yr old RIR hen. She was ill about a week ago. Listless, not eating, standing alone, tail up however it appears as though saggy bottom? We treated her with penicillin injections last week. After a couple of days she perked up and began eating, however she never ate enough to enlarge her crop for the whole week that she was in confinement in the garage. Two days ago, I again found her standing alone, same symptoms, empty crop. I don't believe that the penicillin was effective that time around. I had assumed EYP, but now am wondering if she has an E.Coli infection. I have seen her, previous to being sick, sitting in the nest box, but I believe that she lays shell-less eggs if she lays at all. She seems the healthiest when in full molt, when she is not laying at all.
I have her in confinement in the garage again. I haven't given her any medication, because I have yet to figure out the best treatment for her. I don't think that it is EYP, I have seen her poop, and it does not look like cooked egg like before. She had watery diarrhea, mostly urates. Now that I have her in confinement, I have been feeding her layer pellets, hard boiled egg yolk, finely minced apple, finely shredded lettuce, dried meal worms, earthworms (which she gobbled up) plenty of water with probiotics and poultry vitamins. Last night I gave her some water mixed with honey. She isn't drinking a lot of water, and is hardly eating any pellets. Her poop seems more normal, but in very small quantities. Today her bottom was a mess, caked with poop.Her comb is flopped over to the side and bright red. She sits when alone,but immediately rises when she sees someone, and talks up a storm.

Any suggestions for treatment? Or do you believe that euthanasia is best? She has been sick off and on for the last 2 years. This will be the 4th time that I have had to treat her for some kind of illness. I have treated her for EYP twice and once for an upper respiratory infection. I treated with penicillin for the EYP and I treated her for the respiratory infection with Tylan 50.

I have a great vet that I use for my other animals, but he is clueless when it comes to chickens. I know of no avian vet in my area. I know if I need any form of medication, that he will be willing to provide that for me. The first time that this hen had EYP, I called him for his advice and he checked this web site for recommendations.

Thanks for your help.

forgot to add: Her poop smells weird. Musty, sour, sickly.
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It may be internal laying or egg yolk peritonitis, since she is known for shell-less eggs, and they are never cured. Since she is better during a molt, then you could try to find a nearby vet who could give her hormone supraloren implants to stop her from laying for 3-4 months at a time. It would be safer than spaying. You also may want to get a vet to do a fecal test on some fresh droppings to look for cocci, salmonella, and worms. The white runny stools can be from excess urates or kidney waste.
The whole flock was treated with Corid, and Safeguard for worms in November. Could it still be cocci or worms?

Without a fecal test, it would be hard to know for sure. Worms are only controlled, but the eggs remain in the soil. Cocci is the same, but most chickens build up a tolerance for coccidia unless they have immunity problems.

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