
12 Years
May 1, 2007
New Hampshire
Hi poor rooster who I purchased from a swap a few months ago is not well. He always walked a little funny and I questioned his feet from day one because the nail beds were blood red and he seemed to favor them a lot. Well...two months have passed and it has progressed and the vet thinks it is circulatory. I am not going to be able to cull this one I think...I love him too much. He's on Baytril-22.7...but it just keeps getting worse. What do you all think?


Bottoms (blurry I know...he wouldn't be still) It looks very painful but he is still roosting fine...eating fine...walking around etc...but he does lift up his feet alternately into his feathers underneath to help.

Help...think his toes are completely dead...VET said no to frost bite...she thinks he has something else wrong.
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the circulation was stoped by something. If you touch the toes will he feel it or not? Can the vet or you just clip the dead stuff of so the stumps have a chance to heal? He looks like for now , he still has enough healthy foot left to walk around on. I once clipped the dead toe and tail tip of a rat that got in a fight with a female. Skin healed over and he did fine.
The vet said to just leave it...she wants to see how it responds to antibiotics first...he's been on them for 24 hours now and it actually looks worse! It looks very painful to me...but he seems ok. I hope he'll be fine.

He does not appear to feel anything on the black 'dead' part.
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Oh my gosh poor guy!!!!! I think the toes have to be taken off pronto. I have no idea how to do it , maybe the vet could? I have a buff japanese hen who doesn't have any toes left and she hobbles around just fine. I Bought her at a swap and didn't notice her feet were sooo bad until i got her home (frostbite/ scaly leg mites bad) at that point she still had 2 toes left on each foor but they were in bad bad shape. I kept her in a very clean cage and gave her foot soaks followed by vasoline on her feet 3 times a day for 2 weeks straight, she lost 3 more out of the 4 toes she had left and is now left with one. the rest of her feet look great compared to what they did look like before treatments. I sure hope he pulls thru for you,
I have been foot soaking him periodically and he is in our hospital coop....(which is always very clean)....but I'm worried about him freezing all by himself in there and I've been putting him back with the others at night for warmth. I had him in the basement....but he was crowing too loud all night....
and keeping us all up.

I'll keep updating on his progress.

WE do have a terrible case of mites....the poultry dust is NOT touching them. I broke down and bought some food grade DE....and I know that will take care of it....but I do not think mites would cause this would it? We do not have the scaly leg mites...just the ones in the feathers.
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i don't know it looks to me like his toes have died and that they skin has died off and now all he has left is bone. whatever it is i would say take him to a vet and get the dead parts removed. but i think it is smart to see how it reacts to treatment first. and if the treatment works and stops it you could call him Dumbledore. his right arm became dead like in book six.
I don't think he has scaly leg mites but they can wreak havoc on chickens feet. Personally i wouldn't wait it out to see if antibiotics will work because time is valuable and before the infection starts to spread i'd get rid of the culprit JMO

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