Looking for Egyptian Fayoumi eggs!

Harley's girl

11 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Ohio (way out in the country)
Hi there I am wanting to give these chickens a try. If you have some eggs available (of will soon) please let me know.
Thank you!
Try okcarla or Ideal hatchery.

This is one of the 5 week old chicks I hatched from okcarla.

I bought this one as a day old chick from Ideal last March. In this pic she is still young at 3 1/2 months. She is beautiful, inquisitive, and a great layer of slightly tinted eggs.
Gosh thanks guys! I really do appreciate it!

I forgot to ask. Did she start laying at 4 months? I really would like to give them a try. They sound wonderful! Thanks again. I am looking at the link you sent.
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I only have 2 hens and both are laying right now. If you are interested I can send you some for shipping. I also have a Turken in with them, but her eggs will be mixed, if you are interested.
Mine started laying at about 5 months. Hopefully one of my 2 chicks will be a boy so I can eventually start hatching my own.
hi there... we got fayoumi baby chicks from mcmurray, but i just wanted to telly ou that we LOVE our fayoumis. they have formed like a little 'chicken gang' though, and they are the best foragers and fliers. really pretty birdies

Did you ever find your fayoumi?

I am seeking a femanle fayoumi chick. Would you have any advice?

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