I had not thought anything about the fact my Black Australorps feet are different than the other two until today. Her feet are bright yellow on the bottom. The other two from the same hatchery, one from the same shipment are pinkish white. Should I chalk it up to it being hatchery stock and thus not perfect or do you think she got mixed up from a batch of Black Jersey Giants? I read an old thread that you can tell the difference between the two breeds by the feet. Both chickens have the typical green sheen when the sun hits their feathers just right. They are the same size but two weeks apart in age.
I picked Black Australorps because they are supposed to be friendly and good layers. I don't know anything about Black Jersey Giants.
Here is the one I am wondering about #1
Here is my other one that is 12 weeks old. #2 There is a third, 10 weeks, that is at the neighbors house and has the same color feet as the 12 week old but I didn't take pics.
Here is the foot #1
# 1's foot
#2's foot
I picked Black Australorps because they are supposed to be friendly and good layers. I don't know anything about Black Jersey Giants.
Here is the one I am wondering about #1

Here is my other one that is 12 weeks old. #2 There is a third, 10 weeks, that is at the neighbors house and has the same color feet as the 12 week old but I didn't take pics.

Here is the foot #1

# 1's foot

#2's foot