Best Laying Chickens. Largest Egg laying chickens

I am a beginning and want to buy the best laying chickens with the largest eggs. Can anyone tell me where to buy good hens. I live in the Dallas Texas area and don't know where to go to buy. Debbie
If you want large eggs and lots of them the White Leghorn is the bird for you. A pure one never goes broody. The idea that they don't lay long is mistaken. Leghorns lay just as many if not more eggs than the other commercial breeds it just doesn't take a leghorn hen long to lay the same number of eggs that other breeds lay. Also the chicken feed consumed per egg leghorns produce is
the world's best egg deal. If all you want to do is cuddle and pet your birds and give them cute names then a leghorn may not be the hen for you because they tend to be standoffish or skittish. However a leghorn like all Mediterranean breeds are a foraging machine who in good times can earn most of its living without the benefit of a feed bucket.

One leghorn hen should produce at least 300 eggs her first full year of production. Over 50 years ago I did a little research on cage layers for an egg and poultry company. Each hen's production was recorded daily to find the best producers and the top 5% I think it was went back to the hatchery for brood stock. Several of our white leghorn hens laid 365 eggs in 365 days. It may not be a world record but it is a dang good average.

For big eggs, the commercial broiler breeds are your best bet. But real commercial broiler breeds may prove difficult to get our hands on. A large percentage of the commercial broiler breeds have many of their eggs rejected before they reach the hatchery because double yoke eggs are unfit to incubate. These eggs are either given away or else they are graded and sold as "breakers." The roosters of some of the commercial broiler breeds reach 25 pounds on unlimited feed, and require only 1.9 pounds of chicken feed to produce 1 pound of chicken on the foot.
My friends silkie crosses are the best egg layers and they have hot *** they hatch tons amd tons of chicks every year. That makes them almost the best but my game chickens eggs are tastier.
Well i notice everyone seems to have their opinion but leghorns are good layers,RIR are also (for large brown eggs) but my Buff Orpington hens lay extremely well.

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