Monday I traded some chickens and I came home with some lovely birds that we are already falling in love with. But one little pullet girl has me a bit concerned. When we first picked her out we didn't see that she had been badly plucked, but she was and has almost no feathers on her back between her shoulder blades. She is suppose to be a bantam Golden Laced Wyandotte that ended up in an order of standard size GLW. I already have SLW's and this bird's personality is NOTHING like my other Wyandottes. My Wyandottes are very in your face, pay attention to me and love me kind of birds. They coo and cluck when you pet them, they peck at you when you stop petting them, etc. This girl, who I named Goldie, is so exceptionally quiet that you almost don't realize she's even there. She doesn't stand too much, she lays down, and is so mellow and calm it's mind blowing. She makes my gentle Silkie cross look like it has Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder! She doesn't cry or even peep, and when we hold her she just roosts immediately and sits calmly. The oddest thing about her is that there seems to be a kind of split in the middle of her upper eyelid that give her a strange look like when a kid pulls their eyelids up to gross someone out. These pictures here don't really show the split well, but has anyone ever seen that in a bird breed before? None of my SLW's have that. Also, her rosecomb is practically nonexistent. She is suppose to be a week older than my SLW's so that would make her 7 weeks old. All of my SLW's have beautifully formed combs, and my roo is starting to get the spike off the back of his comb and nice rosy wattles. Is there a difference because she's a bantam? Or is there a chance that she is suppose to be standard size but something stunted her growth when her embryo was still forming? No matter what, I already love this little girl. I'm not sure how she will fit into the flock so she may end up being spoiled rotten here inside the house. I may split the flock and see about housing her with my more gentle birds, like my Silkies. I'll have to see as time goes on. Any info anyone can give me on this would be great. Thanks!
Here is a close up of her face:
And here is a full length of her:
And here is a front view of her:
Thanks to everyone for your help!
Here is a close up of her face:
And here is a full length of her:
And here is a front view of her:
Thanks to everyone for your help!