Baby Chicks For Sale In Citronelle, AL

Pine Acres Peeps

10 Years
May 24, 2009
Citronelle, Alabama
I have some of the following babies available they are 1 to 3 weeks old:
Barred Rock X Silver Laced Wyandotte crosses
Barred Pock X Golden Laced Wyandotte crosses
Barred Rock X Rhode Island Red crosses
Buff Orpington X Rhode Island Red crosses
Pure Buff Orpingtons (only a few of these left)

All my babies are started on high quality chick starter and are eating and drinking great. They are from 1 to 3 weeks old. The pictures do not show all of them. I am asking $1.50 each. I am located in Citronelle, AL if anyone is interested my email is [email protected] and my cell is 251-751-8465.
If you want to know anything else just ask. I do not buy from poultry swaps or auctions for risk of disease, all my chickens and chicks are very healthy and happy.
Thanks for looking!!!


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