Chickens with pants???


10 Years
Jul 11, 2009
Does anyone know what the breed for the chickens that have feathers that flair out at their feet? Kinda looks like they have bellbottoms on. Post pics if you got them. My DH says I can get a couple more chickens so of course I will be taking advantage of that. I want to say they are Cochins but I am not sure.
There are Cochins, Brahmas, Langshans, some varieties of Marans and Faverolles. Depends on bloodlines as to how much flair you will get. I am sure there are a few breeds I haven't mentioned.
here is my 3 to 5 week or so old male salmon Faverolle

how many toes has s/he got ?
My Buff Cochin and my Salmon Faverolle both are feather footed. I'm not fond of the feather feet as they get grimy easily in the run...
Yiou guys are awesome. I think I am going to go for a silkie. All your hens and roos are so beautiful. I think I may also get two EEs. Maybe my daughters will like green eggs and ham.

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