Khaki Campbells-- boys or girls?


12 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Poolville, TX
Hi, just wondering if anyone could tell me what my Khaki Campbells are, besides precious!!
They are about 4 months old. Thanks!!

Well I've never had Khaki cambells before so I don't know if color is a factor. But so far neither of them have a drake feather. If they quack, they're girls.
As you can see, the curled feather is very pronounced - this one was SUPPOSED to be a girl, but we love him anyway! He was 11-1/2 weeks old in this picture (2 weeks ago)

We have a Khaki Campbell that absolutely looks like our other girls; dark bill, no green on head, just all one colour. Well, we knew it was a boy when it started it's boy duck whisper
And even more so when a teeny crooked drake feather came in,
Yes, I still don't see any difference in color. I am thinking/hoping it will change when they finish their first molt.

The only difference is the tail feather and the drake "whisper".
Looks like one boy and one girl to me. The one with the definite color change between head and body might be a boy (on the right in the bottom photo). The one with the more gradual color change between head and body is a girl.

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