NY chicken lover!!!!

Will anyone on here have silkie or silkie cross hatching eggs for an easter hatch? I dont care for showgirls and would prefer no white. Having a hard time finding someone with a decent banty flock.
Will anyone on here have silkie or silkie cross hatching eggs for an easter hatch? I dont care for showgirls and would prefer no white. Having a hard time finding someone with a decent banty flock.
I have chocolate silkies but only have two eggs so far but i will not be setting anytime soon though.
The snow is absolutely aweful this year. Spent the last week clearing roofs in prep for the rain coming in a few days.

Hello in Albany. I'm near Herkimer. You have quite a few options closer to you for breeders then I do over here. Make sure to check across state lines too! I've found some interesting breeders in NH and CT.
Hello Herkimer I'm in fortplain and yes it is a bit harder to find good breeders especially for quail pheasants and ducks and right now can't even find any chicks or chickens available unless u want to pay a arm and a leg
I put in an order of hatchery pullet chicks for June w some friends, and added about 15 extras (don’t want to chance being down any losses, that way we all get what we need.) If anyone wants to drive to CNY (between Syracuse & Utica), and doesn’t mind chicks that late, message me if you’re interested. I only ask for compensation for the cost of the chicks/shipment. Some hybrid layers, Australorps, Easter Eggers, Orpingtons, a few random others like singles of Sussex, Brahma, Wyandotte, couple different colored Plymouth Rock…Will sell on Craigslist otherwise. I can’t believe TSC can’t keep chicks in stock, a few hatcheries have stopped taking orders for the year, and most others have nothing til summer and are extremely limited on what is left. This is nuts.

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