Hanging poultry waterers


10 Years
Jun 19, 2009
East Central Indiana
I sold a few of these at our last Chickenstock. If you bought one I would love to hear how they are working out. I just put one up in our brooder box with week old cornish rock x's and they took right to it. With these waterers we take each bird and tap the nipple with their beak so they know where to get the water from. I am selling them for $10 a piece plus shipping. They hold one gallon of water. We have 14 birds in the main coop and I have to re-fill two of them every three or four days depending on how hot it is.



I would love to tell they work great for quail. But, I have no experience with them at all. I would think that they would work. It doesn't take any force to get the water out. You just touch it and it comes right out.
There was someone in the quail forum that had a similar thing with the nipple waterers, though theirs was piped in to a pvc tube. I would say they would definitely work with quail, my quail use rabbit water bottles, pretty much the same idea.
We saw your waterers at the chickenstock and we liked your design. Simple and it works congrats and hope you enjoy your chickens. Meat chickens can be a mess you might consider getting a kiddy pool to put them in to finish them up it keeps your coops from becoming a mess and easier to clean

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