Quailized rabbit feeder


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 2, 2009
Lakeland, FL
Couldn't find solid bottom feeders so I cut some stair flashing to fit over the mesh. Messy wasteful buggers. I put some coated chicken wire in there and it is working great so far, no waste. We'll have to wait and see if they can reach the bottom and clean it out.
I actually built my quail units with the idea that food and water would be on the outside to prevent waste. The cage is 7'L x 20"D x 8"H. I used 3" pvc for feeders on either end and a 6 1/2' section down the back for water. The hutch itself was made of 1/2" hardware cloth so after i mounted the feeders and waterer i cut out just enought space for them to stick their heads through without flipping it everywhere......Since the new housing adjustment, waste has decreased approximately 95%.

If i can figure this thing out, there'll be a pic for you to see.....

I absolutely love both or your quail feeders. You guys have really got me thinking on how I can improve my quail situation here.
Very cool ideas! I am just finishing up building my coop and I'm re-thinking a lot of the food and water issues- so it's great to see your innovative options!

Thanks so much for sharing!
Fitzy--what did you use for your poop catchers? do you squeegy them out, or hose them off?

for quail feeders I just used chick feeders--the round ones and thefoot long ones. They seem to work well for me. I was going to use the pvc pipe ones, since we had some pipe laying around, but when hubby went to price out the end attachments, we figured buying the chick feederswould be cheaper with no work involved.

the quail should be able to get their heads in their to clean it out no problem.
Yes, watering is a biggie for me. Right nowI'm usind sour cream containers with a big rock to weight them down--so they don't tip them over. I have to come up with something better.
I was using solid-bottom rabbit feeders for mine, but switched to 1-1/2 inch PVC instead. DH cut a section out of the middle, put a cap on each end and hung them inside the cages using eye-bolts and hooks. They are cheap, work great and there's no more waste!

I may have to use the chicken wire idea on one rabbit feeder though; it's the one I have the oyster shell in and, needless to say, they do like to fling it everywhere - lol

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