Hi everyone, I am a newer chicken owner, and I have a sick chicken. About a month ago I brought home a BC Marans who is now 5 months old from someone on Craigslist. I kept the birds seperated for about a week (yes I know I should have done it much longer) and during that time I didn't notice anything wrong with the Marans. On the second week, there were two days that I noticed snot bubbles on the Marans but didn't think much of it, she is a messy eater and I figured it was related to that. It only lasted two days, and she no longer has a runny nose. At this time I started adding the Rooster Booster to their feed to help with any stress the new bird may be causing.
Over the past month of having this new bird, I've kept a close eye on her and my other birds (1 EE, 3 silkies, all 4 months old now), checking for anything that doesn't belong, I've probably checked her over a dozen times. This past week I saw what I think were lice on the Marans, and one other bird. Everyone got baths, and dusted with Prozap Insectrin Dust - Permethrin. There is now no sign of lice. Also this past week, my EE has started to have a runny nose. I think it started off clear and it is now a very light yellow. It has an odor, possibly sour smelly, I wouldn't compare it to puss. Everyone has still been getting the food with rooster booster mixed in, but I have been giving my EE 2cc of the rooster booster daily to make sure she is getting enough. The days I give it, there seems to be less nasal discharge the next day.
Last night I was searching all over to try to figure out what might be causing the runny nose. Now I've got myself all worried and convined that they've got Infectious Coryza. So what do I do now? I've got 5 birds total, 3 show no symptoms at all, 1 did for a while, and the EE does currently. Should I keep trying to treat it at home? With what? Is it time for a vet? I'm really worried and feel like I've really screwed up by bringing home this bird from Craigslist.
Here is a little more info:
1) What type of bird , age and weight: Easter Egger mutt from feedstore, 4 months old
2) What is the behavior, exactly: Runny nose with an odor, she acts totally normal, runs everywhere she goes, very active. After I open her mouth her breathing sounds stuffy, but I don't know if it is from me accidently choking her while opening her mouth or something.
3) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma: no
4) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation: Introduced new chicken aprox 1 month ago.
5) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all: I feed an organic starter feed (don't know the brand, comes in a purple/blue bag I believe), oatmeal, yogurt, banana, tomatoes, scrambled eggs, they freerange in my fenced yard all day. Drinking is normal.
6) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. Normal.
7) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? For the past 2 weeks, I've been mixing in this: http://www.roosterboosterproducts.com/product/50401 with their food to help with the stress of having the new chicken. It is rooster booster poultry cell. I've given it directly to my sick EE a couple of times and she seems to have a slightly less runny nose the next day, but hasn't gone away.
8 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? Either one, I'd like to try treating at home first, I'd just like someone elses opinion and what they would do if they were in my shoes.
9) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
10) Describe the housing/bedding in use: I was using the pellets until this last week, then I switched to white shavings. They have an A-frame chicken tractor, that I clean out weekly, and use lots of DE.
Here are some pictures, her nose doesn't look that bad today, but it still has crusties on it:
and my disease carrier:
Over the past month of having this new bird, I've kept a close eye on her and my other birds (1 EE, 3 silkies, all 4 months old now), checking for anything that doesn't belong, I've probably checked her over a dozen times. This past week I saw what I think were lice on the Marans, and one other bird. Everyone got baths, and dusted with Prozap Insectrin Dust - Permethrin. There is now no sign of lice. Also this past week, my EE has started to have a runny nose. I think it started off clear and it is now a very light yellow. It has an odor, possibly sour smelly, I wouldn't compare it to puss. Everyone has still been getting the food with rooster booster mixed in, but I have been giving my EE 2cc of the rooster booster daily to make sure she is getting enough. The days I give it, there seems to be less nasal discharge the next day.
Last night I was searching all over to try to figure out what might be causing the runny nose. Now I've got myself all worried and convined that they've got Infectious Coryza. So what do I do now? I've got 5 birds total, 3 show no symptoms at all, 1 did for a while, and the EE does currently. Should I keep trying to treat it at home? With what? Is it time for a vet? I'm really worried and feel like I've really screwed up by bringing home this bird from Craigslist.
Here is a little more info:
1) What type of bird , age and weight: Easter Egger mutt from feedstore, 4 months old
2) What is the behavior, exactly: Runny nose with an odor, she acts totally normal, runs everywhere she goes, very active. After I open her mouth her breathing sounds stuffy, but I don't know if it is from me accidently choking her while opening her mouth or something.
3) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma: no
4) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation: Introduced new chicken aprox 1 month ago.
5) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all: I feed an organic starter feed (don't know the brand, comes in a purple/blue bag I believe), oatmeal, yogurt, banana, tomatoes, scrambled eggs, they freerange in my fenced yard all day. Drinking is normal.
6) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. Normal.
7) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? For the past 2 weeks, I've been mixing in this: http://www.roosterboosterproducts.com/product/50401 with their food to help with the stress of having the new chicken. It is rooster booster poultry cell. I've given it directly to my sick EE a couple of times and she seems to have a slightly less runny nose the next day, but hasn't gone away.
8 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? Either one, I'd like to try treating at home first, I'd just like someone elses opinion and what they would do if they were in my shoes.
9) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
10) Describe the housing/bedding in use: I was using the pellets until this last week, then I switched to white shavings. They have an A-frame chicken tractor, that I clean out weekly, and use lots of DE.
Here are some pictures, her nose doesn't look that bad today, but it still has crusties on it:
and my disease carrier: