Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

The PA Blue Eggers look so much like a purebred Black Ameraucana I stopped raising them in my pens to avoid confusion. Black feathers, dark legs, muffs and a beard.
That sounds almost exactly like what my olive egger looks like.

That sounds almost exactly like what my olive egger looks like.
Not surprising at all. Most breeders make Olive Eggers by crossing an Ameraucana with a Marans. Hatcheries often use Cuckoo Marans pullets with an Ameraucana cockerel to make them black sexlinks. I use California Greys (white eggs) with the Ameraucana to make black sexlinks that lay light blue eggs. I make Olive Eggers with 2 autosexing breeds, Legbars and Welbars, and they are even easier to sex than the black sexlinks, plus I get 2 colors (silver and gold) of pullet chicks that I can sell.

My PA Blue Eggers will be very similar to your black OE in appearance.
@TillyPeeps has had these in the past (Blue Egg Laying Black Sexlinks). She might have a photo. She was instrumental in me bringing these back, she kept asking for them every year.
Actually, Brownie was the few brown sexlink chick you made from Wheaten Ameraucana x Cal. grey. At that time, all your PA blacks were boys, so I got her. the I only have her photos in my old computer and need to dig them out. She grew up being mostly black with some brown feathers around her neck. She does look like an Ameraucana but with a very different color pattern. Yeah, she was my son's best buddy and they always stay together when outside. Super sweet girl. Although, Pepsi the black ameraucana is my favorite "puppy".

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