Blue Wheaten Ameraucana Rooster, Rosenberg, TX


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
SW Houston
Too many roosters! This guy has been raised with 6 children, never aggressive toward us, just not as "snuggly" as the others. He is 6 1/2 months old. We bought him from a breeder and he is not an Easter Egger or Araucana. He's been raised organically. He is beautiful and has the best crow of them all! I hate to see him go
. These pics are a month or 2 old (hope I did it right!). I can get more if you need them. I cannot ship.

I wish I had room for another roo...he's beautiful! I have some EE hens, but no true Ameraucanas. And I live just a few minutes up 36 from you.
I have 5 roos already (I think, some are only 8 wks old), and that's way too many.
Oh I wish you needed a rooster! We have 5 (or 6) also and only 9 hens. It is amazing that the roosters don't really fight much but they are starting to drive the hens crazy trying to mate with them. Somebody save them please!!!
LauraN, who did you get him from?
Your rooster isn't blue wheaten, but he is pretty!
If he was blue wheaten, his chest, belly and thighs would be blue.
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Your picture did not work in the auction format because you linked two of them. I've noticed that only one will work, with the other needing to go in the body of your message.

Hope that helps, he's a beauty, if not quite blue!

Were his parents fully blue?
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I got him from Rocking W in Manvel, TX. He's always been a mystery (started out really dark with an hourglass shape on his back). I was told he was a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana but she seemed unsure when she said it. The pullet we got from them was supposed to be Wheaten and it was all yellow, I think. I forgot about the blue on the chest. I think he has more blue underneath now but not on his chest. I should take another pic.

Is it a Wheaten?

The breeder didn't know there was a difference in EE and Ameraucana but both of the Ameraucanas I got seem to have the right traits. The hen hasn't layed an egg yet but the breeder said they'd be very blue and very big.

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