rubber tubs you use for call duck pens?


Enslaved by Indoor Ducks
11 Years
Nov 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
i know i've seen pics of them on byc, of square wide shallow rubber tub/pans people use in their call duck pens... do they have a name? where can i find one? I've been typing endless amounts of search words in google and am coming up empty... I'm looking for some sort of square rubber tub that's not deep, maybe 6-12 inches deep, maybe 2ftx2ft ish?
They are not rubber, but I hear the big box home stores have a cement mixing container that people use for water in pens. I think I have one. Mine came from an auction in a pile of stuff. It is kind of like a big cat litter box made of heavier plastic and very durable. I have used it outside for water for several years and it is just now starting to crack around the top. I would think for a small duck it would make a nice little pool. I want to find more of them but don't get to the stores very often to check them out.
Those black pans are mortar tubs (at least I think that is their official name, LOL). You can get them at Home Depot, Lowes, etc... in the cement aisle. They usually have them in like two sizes. I think most people use the smaller size, the larger one is quite a bit larger.
i used to have these colorful tubs i used in my preschool class, and i found them online. I went ahead and got more, hopefully they'll work. I want to be able to make "foraging pans" out of them... put some soil, sand, gravel in different ones and hide worms, seeds, greens, etc in them so they can forage during our long chicago winter. I'm also building their new pen so that MAYBE they can have 2 inches of water in one pan for a few minutes. lol

here's the pans-

if they don't work, i'll get me some of those mortar cement tubs and keep these for preschool
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You could also check out the local farm store. The one I go to is not one of the chain stores, but has all of the farm and ranch type needs. They have a large selection of feed/water buckets and pans and it seems I have seen the larger shallow black pans there. Some are round instead of square.

What about the "oil change" pans made to catch the oil from cars when you change the oil?
THey also have big dog litter pans...(i use them for my pigs litter box..) its a tray like the one in the pic you posted..but in the front the edge goes down so animals can climb in and out easy..
Got it at the local pet store.. good luck! Good idea!

here it is... you can remove the front panel so they can get in and out easy... (also, i'd get the biggest size they have..some are real tiny,for small dogs..but the one i have is a perfect size for a duck to play in..),1849.html
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Yeah, they are called mortar mixing tubs. I use one in this raised duck pen. Home depot carries two sizes. I use one of the larger ones. They are 2ft by 3ft. For my on-the-ground avairy, I use a large plastic 100 gallon livestock tank.


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