Geese Names AND pictures

I'm new to this site, I must admit I've been reading a lot of the posts here & have gotten a lot if great information on how to take care of my two goslings. Only thing is I don't know what breed they are and was hoping you guys could help shed some light. They are approximately 6wks old now
I'm not sure if those pictures came through. I not quite sure how to do all of this yet.
Thanks guys, Elizabeth

Toulouse geese
Apple (looking at the camera)
Pear (second closest)
Peach (farthest)
My boyfriend and I love fruit, he'll buy it for me when I'm sad, it's comfort food. And all those fruits are related, so are the geese!
Thank you for posting the pics of your babies Carrosaur, they are adorable & I love the names! Looks like my Ricky is a Toulouse, now I need to figure out what Lucy is Lol

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