Which Are Good Egg Layers White Chickens


10 Years
Jun 15, 2009
mY HUSBAND WOULD LIKE SOME WHITE CHICKENS TO ADD TO OR 3 RIR . can anyone tell me what kind, brred etc., would be good egg layers, but are white chickens, and can they lay brown eggs or do they have to be white, Of course i would like it to be capatable with the rir. Also looking for hens that are alreay laying big eggs.
I have a White Orphington, although she's not laying yet I can say my Buff Orphington lays great and goes Broody too.
PADDOCK 36 that white chicken is so cite. My husband loves it. Do they lay brown eggs or white? Woulod thye get along with my rhode island reds, only 9 months old
Delawares are white with black trim. They lay large brown eggs. I got a couple today that were almost if not jumbo size, and they have only been laying a few months!

ETA: Pic of one of my girls.

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She is a new hen that I recently purchased so I have not introduced her to the other hens yet. But my Buff Orphington gets along fine with my three RIR's, Barred Rock, Comet, and EE. I like the variation of colors and yes she will lay brown eggs. My Buff Orphington lays a light brown egg, not quite as dark as the RIR's. Here's the other girls with the Buff Orphington in with them.
my plain ole' white leghorn is our best layer although all her eggs are white. Been laying everyday and rarely takes a break (other than cold weather) and hasn't even gone broody on me once or molted where egg laying was affected much.
paddock 36. HOW MANY EGGS DOESA IT LAY A WEEK, THE BUFF. what is the best number odf them to get. And where would I buy some?
Even though they're not the best layers - if you're looking for white chickens that lay 'REALLY' dark brown eggs, then white Marans are your birds.

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