Ancona Ducks

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

Fluffy Feather Farm
12 Years
Jan 26, 2010
Texas, Panhandle
Hello, I really like the Ancona Ducks I just fell in love with them when I saw them! And I wonna know more about them! Pics would be great!
And any info,too! Thanks,
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I knwo fo two people on here with them : AuroraSprings and someone else i cant remember right now. AuroroaSprings has hatching eggs fro sale I believe
I wish I had anconas too!!! I have made my Own little "hybrid ancona look a likes" though that are still pretty.
I ordered Anconas from Holderread's last Spring, and I like them. These are my first ducks, and I have no personal experience with other breeds, but I can tell you a few things about them. I get about 4 eggs a day from 15 ducks, without providing any artificial light. I had a huge slug problem last year, but these Anconas eliminated that problem in short order. They are active foragers and wander over a large part of 9 acres in search of munchies. They are also a good size for eating, so they make a good dual-purpose bird.

Here's a pic:

We got our baby Ancona's from Strombergs last year and we picked up a few adults from a local breeder before that. Mine are not too loud, unless startled or looking for a treat. Like darwish said they are active foragers and will find their own food when it is available. Ours are lit, and we get about 10-11 eggs a day with 13 girls. They are not too skittish, mine fly about 3 feet off the ground for 20 feet or so when the mood strikes, and are not fans of change. We have blacks, chocolates, and tri colored. I desperately want some blues and a chocolate male...anyone who has either of those in IL, IN, or MI, pm me.
They are great ducks.

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