Russian Orloffs

I put 12 Mahogany Orloff eggs in the bator Saturday. They are very beautiful birds. I will post pics when they hatch.

Here's pics of my 7 month old Spangled roosters. I just adore this breed.
My girls just started laying last week, so in a few more weeks I'm going to set my first eggs.


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Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Aw! Love your birds Shellyb1969! They are so cute! Are they friendly? Lay good? Broody?

Thank you, Mrs. FP!
I've been in love with this breed ever since I first got mine as young chicks. I bought them from a breeder, and I just can't rave enough about them. They're very inquisitive birds...not super friendly as in wanting to be touched and held, but not flighty and spastic either. They like to keep their distance and observe. I quite often describe them as mystical and mysterious. My flock is only 7 months old and 1 of the pullets just started laying last week. She lays every other day. As far as broody...I have no idea yet.​

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