Bantam "Surprise" Assortment - Cochins, Silkies, Seramas and MORE!


Fear the Turtle!
15 Years
Jan 9, 2009
By the Chesapeake Bay
HELP!! I'm STILL up to my eyeballs in bantam eggs! My girls just don't seem to care that there is still a couple feet of snow on the ground, and my incubator and refrigerator are chock full!! If someone is interested in hatching some, GREAT - otherwise, I guess my dogs will start getting eggs for supper...

So, here's the deal:

2. I cannot promise specific breeds - these are VARIETY BOXES ONLY, and you may wind up with pure or mixed breed chicks.
3. I will pack EXACTLY ONE DOZEN eggs per box (smaller orders may be filled upon request, just ask).
4. I should have 2-3 orders ready to go by Monday (barring another natural disaster).
5. If I get more than 2-3 orders, I will ship as many as I can on Tuesday and Wednesday.
6. Orders will be shipped the day after payment is received, in the order payment is received - but if I don't receive your payment by 10PM on Tuesday night, I'll wait and ship fresh eggs on Monday, Tuesday and/or Wednesday of the following week.

And here's where these eggs will come from:

Pen #1 - Silkie hens and roosters (mixed colors), bantam cochin hens and roosters (mixed colors), sizzle hens (mixed colors), 2 mille fleur d'uccle hens, 1 bantam splash laced red wyandotte hen, and 1 barred frizzled whatchamacallit hen.

Pen #2 - Bantam Easter Egger hens and 1 rooster, EE/silkie cross hens and 1 rooster. Lots of color here, in both birds and eggs! There are also mixed LF hens in this pen (dominique, light brahma, welsummer, cuckoo marans, BR, BLRW, BSL, EE, etc...) but my egg customers have first dibs on all large eggs. Also in this pen is a BLRW cockerel, but I don't know for a fact that he is mature enough to reproduce.

Pen #3 - Seramas hens and roosters. I believe these birds to be "better than average PQ". I have no exact names for colors, but they are mostly reds and whites with black markings, and have produced the same - there has also been a couple "laced" type mixes hatched from this group. Mottling is also a possibility. These hens are laying sporadically right now, so serama eggs may or may not be included in your order - I will certainly include them if available, but I cannot guarantee it.

You can see photos of some of my birds on my website at under "The Flock". All available photos are up right now - I will update this gallery as time and weather permits. (Sorry, this sale does NOT include bantam Polish at this time.) The auction pic is of some silkies I hatched last summer, but here are some more recent pics of chicks I've hatched here, and a couple examples of my eggs:

Bantam EE chick:

Serama chicks:

Bantam EE eggs (bantam Polish egg in center):

Outer ring is LF EE eggs (not included in this sale), inner ring is silkie eggs, center is serama egg:

According to the USPS website, postage runs $14.50 for a large flat rate box and is listed separate from the BIN price. Smaller orders will be shipped in a medium flat rate box for $10.70. Payment will be accepted via Paypal at [email protected].

PLEASE NOTE: I will ship to the lower 48 states only. Eggs are guaranteed to be fresh and fertile, and I will pack them so that they are snug and insulated, but I cannot guarantee their viability once they reach their destination, because of circumstances beyond my control after they leave my hands.

I think that covers everything - if not, please feel free to PM me or post here with any questions! If my inbox is full, please email me at [email protected].

Thanks for looking!
See #3 above - "exactly one dozen" - but if you need a smaller order, just ask.

For example, I've got one order collected that is waiting to be claimed (12 eggs) that can go out tomorrow at the BIN price of $12.00, plus shipping in a large flat rate box for $14.50. But if you want only 6 eggs, it would be $6.00 for the eggs, plus $10.70 for shipping in a medium flat rate box.

But don't click BIN, just PM me - because my girls are still laying, and I'd like the ad to stay up for the entire 7 days!!

Thanks -
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