The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

I am interested in getting some Kakis and I have some questions. I don't know if this is the correct forum to find the answers I need or not. If not and you can point me to the correct forum please let me know.

I am interested in getting some Kakis for egg production. What age do they start laying eggs? Do the ducks go broody often? Is there a very good market for duck eggs? If there is, where do you sell yours?

Extra drakes will be processed for meat. What size do Kakis get to be? How many weeks does it take them to get to processing weight? Are they very meaty at all or would you consider processing them a waste of time? Do you think there is a market for processed Kakis?

How do Kakis compare to Muscovy? Do you have any idea of the yearly egg production of Muscovy? Can a Kaki and a Muscovy be cross bred?
I bought 12 khaki ducks to raise for egg production. We put them in a large pen with electric mesh fence that was electrified only at night to keep predators away. We moved their pen down by the stream to give better access to the stream, but yesterday found only 6 ducks in the pen. While I was walking upstream looking for the lost 6, I saw them fly out over the 3 ft fence, over the stream and into the next pasture. We also observed that the females can go right through the fence if it's not electrified. We got them back in that night, but my daughter tells me the other 6 disappeared today. She thinks we may need to clip the feathers on one wing to keep them from flying away. Has anyone tried that?
I had to clip the feathers of one of mine when she was young and got over a six foot fence. I never had to do it again because she was heavier when she finally molted her wing feathers.
I was sure "duck norris" khaki cambell was a hen. Now after molting, I'm not so positive.

Below you can see Duck Norris with "Chicken" definitely (raspy voice) a drake dark khaki.

As for voice, I can't tell. Duck Norris is finally losing its "squeek" but it's hard for me to tell which ones are quacking, squeeking, or asking as they all join in at the same time.

Any educated guesses at the gender for Duck Norris?
I wonder if they are true Khakis. The lack of darker heads, the lighter spots on their bodies, and the color of the wing speculum lead me to believe they may be crossed with another breed. Their bills are of a Khaki color though. As cosbackyard said the females should have a noticeable quack by now.

Here is a photo of my 2011 flock of 8 males and one female at 13 weeks of age. You can see the female to the left. They males didn't get bright orange feet until later.
Hey there is a balut website in nz selling balut eggs with this photo on their website. Is this your photo? Here is their url

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