White crested Polish chick sexing


12 Years
Feb 2, 2007
Western Montana
I have two white crested polish chicks that are four weeks old. First of all- oh my god are they hilarious looking. I mean... special looking.

That isn't the point though. They have really different crests and I'm wondering if you can guess the sex from the feather crests. Beldar, the very slightly larger chick, has a fluffy, rounded, full, well developed crest. Beldar had a much more broad and fluffy crest even as a four day old- looked like an "afro" from day one. Pria was smaller as a baby but now has pretty much caught up. Pria's crest is sort of misshapen, less fluffy, less developed, more pinfeathery, and slightly shorter in length. Pria's crest as a tiny four day old was like a white gumdrop stuck to her head- sort of vertically tapered and very tightly packed fluff. I selected the two of them at the food store because they had such distinctly different looking heads so I figured one must be male, the other female. But which is which?

By the way, their wings and tails and personalities are almost indistinguishable. Pria is ever so slightly more inquisitive and bold, but barely.

I know pictures would help, so I'll get that done soon. Any first thoughts?

Here is my fluffy headed Polish. This one should be female, according to your advice and some research I did on the breed


And this one is the less fluffy one. This one is likely male, I would think.


Any further opinions or advice would be appreciated!

I have 4 , 7 week white crested and they are all supposed to be female HOWEVER...3 have extra full beautiful heads probably double the size of the ones in those pictures and one has a much smaller head that sticks straight up. Now the small head one has been like that since day one and today I
noticed its comb is a little pink and it is beginning to get waddles (spelling?) and the other 3 are not. Soooooo 3 females and one roo???? If thats true the females have big heads and the male smaller? Then again maybe that has nothing to do with it.

As it turned out, until they were about 7 weeks old, the female had a bigger body and a bigger poofy head. In the last two weeks the tide turned and now the rooster is bigger, fatter, has a bigger crest, and is taller at the shoulder. Who knew? Fascinating.

The rooster is really, really a rooster.

"whaddaya lookin' at?"

The hen (the poofy headed one) is definitely a hen. She is soooo shy. No wattles, really. Pale pink face skin.

Critter Crazy- I hate to say it, but it looks like yours is a rooster to me. Sorry!! I hope I'm wrong for ya!

crazylilchick- If they are anything like mine, the big headed ones are girls and your little stuck-straight-up one is a rooster.


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