spots on comb and waddle


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 24, 2010
I have never owned chickens before, however, 2 roosters have taken up at our house. We have been feeding them cracked corn. Resently I have noticed that they have developed a few spots on their combs and one has them on his waddle(thinks that is what it is called). Is this normal or should I be concerned?
Thanks, moefaye
the black scabs could be scabs from them fighting. My roos have them from the hens and other roos pecking, or fighting.

I don't know though cuz you said you are feeding cracked corn so I don't know if they don't get the right feed if that could do anything.

I hope someone with more knowledge will post for you.

Good luck!
Thanks Tamelroy. Have notice one squabble between the two and they seem to do some posturing. Guess maybe they are young. Would like to make sure they are getting the correct food. They are really beautiful boys.
If you live in a very cold climate with freezing temperatures the spots can be from frostbite also.

I agree that they need more than cracked corn for feed. It sounds like they are free ranging? If so, then they may be getting the rest of what they need for food that way' again that would depend on where you live. Corn is actually like candy... it isn't good for chickens in large quantities. Most people give it mixed in with something like "Scratch" and give it as an occasional treat. It is also given just before evening in cold climates as it helps generate body heat for the chickens which helps keep them warmer when they roost at night.
In between you can feed hard boiled eggs for protein too give them some scraps if you have any. If you go to the feed store depending on their age, you would need grower or layer feed. I am not to sure with roos, they might not need as much as the hens. A guy from my hubbys work has a pet roo and he feeds eggs and scraps most of the time and the roo is healthy.

Maybe someone with more knowledge can help.
And if you run into anything here is a site that can help you if you think they are sick.
I live in Florida
, so not much chance of frostbite. The spots really don't look like a scab. I would say some like a fungus or something. It is dry looking. They are pretty friendly, but will not let me touch them, so can't really get up close and personal. Will get better food for them. They are free ranging between me and the neighbor. Think they also eat what falls from the bird feeder there.
Moefay, they are wattles-ducks waddle, but we know what you mean. Most likely they are peck marks from sparring. As the daylength increases, testosterone production also increases in birds. Males will be males, and someone must try to be the boss. Add a little catfood or dog chow to your cracked corn, and free ranging roosters should be OK. (Until a predator arrives, but that is another story.)

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