Cross Breeds!!!!

This is Peppermint, my 10 week old Silkie X Cochin. Not sure if she's a pullet or he's a cockerel! But she has the funniest, fluffiest, featheriest legs and feet. I think she's the Chicken version of an Old English Sheepdog. She has to waddle when walking, picking her feet so high off the ground to make sure the feathers clear the grass. But she's adorable! What color would you call her/him?

Peppermint roosting on a friend around 6 weeks!

#silkie #satin #sizzle #featherfeet
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This is Mellow. He's a mix of mostly Nankin X Golden Seabright I believe both his parents were mixes so I'm not sure what else is in his genes. He is not mean at all, but will make sure he keep himself between his 3 ladies and my dog and alarms if he sees anything amiss. My dog only follows them around to eat their crap but it helps keep the hawks away lmao 🤣

Did you have any hens from this mix? I have black Australorp hens and they’re currently sitting on eggs after visits from neighbors Welsummer roo.
I did. Pretty birds but I’m not even sure where to go to find pictures of them now haha
Here are 2 of my girls. They're RIRs crossed with blue australorps. Not only are they gorgeous but they are so friendly, quiet, and lay huge eggs.


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