Our weekend goose shed build.


10 Years
Jun 23, 2009
Thorn Hill, TN
We wanted a simple shed that our geese could use to get out of the weather if they chose too. The lot where the geese currently reside will not be their permanent home, so we wanted some portability to the shed. We also wanted the shed to be able to be used for other things if we decide that the geese are no longer welcome here. This is what we came up with.

Our property is all on a hill so we built a flat roof design. When placed on the hills here, the lay of the land provides plenty of slope for rainwater to run off. The shed is built on runners so we can hook the tractor to it and pull it to its new home when we finish fencing the property.




This is awsome you know I never thought about using the fence pickets for walls they are cheap here they are like a buck each (priced higher the better the wood) may need to think about that for my next coop Mind if I steal it?
I know the geese will love it and hey you through a door on it and you have storage for mowers,weedeater, hay, lawn and garden things.. Great Idea
Well we're stealing your idea as well with a few upgrades. We're going to add a floor and a couple of windows. Then double doors on the front. We're going to build at least 2. One for winter housing for our geese and one for winter housing for all our ducks. I was trying to describe to my husband what I wanted and then you built it!

This past winter we had separate houses for everyone and it was a pain in the patootie. We don't actually have to separate everyone until breeding season so its more economical to have everyone together. This will facilitate that! YAY!


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