New here, question about egg yolks floating (UPDATE 4-11)


9 Years
Apr 10, 2010
This seemed like a nice place and I need a simple question answered. If a yolk floats the the surface of an egg when turned (egg is slightly less than 3 days old) is that bad?
I can see a tiny dark dot in the center of the egg and what might be veins, but the entire mass floats within the egg when I turn it. I thought yolks were supposed to stay centered.
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I think you may have a bad egg.

Dark marks usually mean blood spots, and at three days veins should stand out.

Hope this pic helps:
It looks like a tiny black dot and then two lines coming out of it and wrapping around to form a circle, with another faint circular line around that.. Hard to tell if its veins or not. It's a ringneck dove egg by the way, so it's a lot smaller than chicken (which makes telling whats going on a little difficult). I figure the fundamentals are basically the same though...
No, cant see anything beating at all. Then again the egg is only the size of a quarter and the black speck inside the size of a "."
This egg has had it rough, so Im not sure if anything will come of it. A girl at my work caught a wild ringneck dove with a broken wing and a few hours later the dove laid an egg! No one wanted it so I took it home and have been keeping it at 100F using a candle warmer. The poor mama dove got chased around quite a bit before she was caught, plus I think I got the egg too hot on the first night and the humidity too high. It would be a miracle if it hatches.
Yes, there is definitely a pair of little lines coming off the black speck but they wrap around, not radiate outwards. What would a detached airsack would look like? Just a clear globe floating around?
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Hey guys! I candled it today and there are veins everywhere, and its little heart just pumping away! A friend of mine is bringing over a proper incubator tomorrow for me to use. Right now the egg is in a tupperware container wrapped in tin foil in a ceramic bowl on top of an electric candle warmer (with a cooking thermometer sticking out).
I am just curious, why didn't you let the dove hatch out her egg?

I had a pair of doves once, and they hatched out eggs 2 times. It was funny, I had tried for years to get my cockatiels to lay eggs for me, they never would. Then I find a white dove out in our street and thought it was sick. When it lived longer than a few weeks I decided that it wasn't sick.
Somehow (don't remember how, maybe by its call) I determined it was a male, so a friend gave me a female and they had kids. Sadly the female got sick and after months of taking care of her I had to have her put down. They were very devoted parents.
If your egg hatches, I hope it does, here is a good forum if you need any help with your dove.

Did you know that it has to be fed every 2 hours, 'round the clock, for something like 18 days? YIKES. Glad I am raising chickens and not doves.

Good luck, let us know how it works out.

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