Old English bantams?


12 Years
Jan 30, 2007
Who has them? Do they go broody a lot? Are they more broody than bantam cochins? And of course, pictures are welcome!


These are Lemon Blue Old English bantams......they do go broody often, maybe not as good as some cochins tho. Sometimes the roo's become aggressive but, overall they are good birds.
Very pretty! Thanks for replying.
I just love the variety of colors on them, but I have found pictures of Old English Game birds with really long legs, and then there are some with short legs. What is the difference? Is it the difference between bantam OEG and standard OEG?
my old english hens are always broody,,,cant get them off nests they see an egg and it is theirs..lol
havent figured out how to post pics,wish i could,
also,,i believe there is a dutch bantam that reminds me of the oe, and there are some oe that seem taller than mine too,,,but i dont know the answer really.,

I have had many different OEG bantams. The hens are always so sweet. And very broody. One hen would hatch a clutch and leave the chicks and go right to setting more eggs. She hatched 4 clutches one summer. All the chicks were hand raised. I love them.
I have some bbred oegbs. I have one hen go broody once, in two years. Here is some pictures of her, and where she went broody:




She wouldn't let dh clean off his worktable, and he was halted on building anything. If dh even came close to the worktable, she would start clucking, she only let me fill her feed and waterer that was near her. She was only sitting on four eggs, two she started with, and two we added, she hatched two of them:


i always thought he was spangled,,,i could be wrong,,,is he mottled??? not really sure,,,what do you think?

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