You Have What I want, I have What you Want Lets Trade. Online Trading

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what i have are:
red production hens...white leghorns, red sexlink, glw, basque, bantie cochins, ee's(lay blue eggs, chicks could lay anywhere from light blue, light green, olive) gl polish.

RIGHT NOW NONE OF MY CHICKS WILL BE PURE-BUT THEY WILL BE SOON. These hens are laying machines! They lay tan,dark brown, blue/green, white, speckled brown eggs.

what i want are: all pure, doesn't have to be show quality
frizzle cochin banties
frizzle polish
wc blue polish
gl polish
creole polish
cochin banties (any color)
silkies (BBS)
I'm a little sad that the swapping chains/threads are moving so slow because I am on the lookout for some eggs....
Where did all the hatchers go?

Okay I want....

Cochins LF (Pure Colors)
EE-Americaunas? - these confuse me... I know there is a difference but I just want the chickens that lay the blue eggs - not olive but blue green
Marans (I have some 3 month old Cuckoo's & Wheaten and LOVE them)

I have:

Bantam Red Cochins
Guineas (Variety of colors - Lavender, Buff, Pearl, Pied)
Mille Fleur D'Uccle (only a pair at the moment but if you want something else I could send a couple of these too)
$$ (Sometimes lol) If you have some eggs for sale let me know.


I have LF Cochins and Ameraucanas (blue egg layers) but I do not need anything you have listed - anything else?
Have currently laying
BBS LF Cochins, Ameraucanas, Black Aussies,Polish ( Gold laced, Silver laced, BBS, White crested black and blue) Speckled Sussex, one pair Coronation Sussex, a trio of BLRW, Buff Orpingtons, BBS silkies, BBreds, OEGB, Black tailed and Buff Japs. I do have some auctions on BYC. PM me if you need eggs.

Bantam polish , BLRW, Call ducks, would consider other pure bantam breeds, and waterfowl or other birds like turkeys.
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I'm a little sad that the swapping chains/threads are moving so slow because I am on the lookout for some eggs....
Where did all the hatchers go?

Okay I want....

Cochins LF (Pure Colors)
EE-Americaunas? - these confuse me... I know there is a difference but I just want the chickens that lay the blue eggs - not olive but blue green
Marans (I have some 3 month old Cuckoo's & Wheaten and LOVE them)

I have:

Bantam Red Cochins
Guineas (Variety of colors - Lavender, Buff, Pearl, Pied)
Mille Fleur D'Uccle (only a pair at the moment but if you want something else I could send a couple of these too)
$$ (Sometimes lol) If you have some eggs for sale let me know.

I have assorted layers covered by an EE roo to make EE babies (should lay blue, green &/or light olive/khaki). If you want I can sub some of them for some of the ducks in our side swap since the ducks are slacking right now.

Have currently laying
BBS LF Cochins, FBCM (LF), Ameraucanas, Black Aussies,Polish ( Gold laced, Silver laced, BBS, White crested black and blue) Speckled Sussex, one pair Coronation Sussex, a trio of BLRW, Buff Rocks, BBS silkies, BBreds, OEGB, Black tailed and Buff Japs. I do have some auctions on BYC.

Bantam polish , BLRW, Coturnix quail, would consider other pure bantam breeds, and waterfowl or other birds like turkeys.
Looking for some polish. Have coturnix available now & ducks or blue slate turkeys with a wait.
I'm a little sad that the swapping chains/threads are moving so slow because I am on the lookout for some eggs....
Where did all the hatchers go? Okay I want.... Cochins LF (Pure Colors) Polish EE-Americaunas? - these confuse me... I know there is a difference but I just want the chickens that lay the blue eggs - not olive but blue green Marans (I have some 3 month old Cuckoo's & Wheaten and LOVE them) I have: Bantam Red Cochins Guineas (Variety of colors - Lavender, Buff, Pearl, Pied) Mille Fleur D'Uccle (only a pair at the moment but if you want something else I could send a couple of these too) $$ (Sometimes lol) If you have some eggs for sale let me know. Thanks!!
Okay guys I have been reading and talking to some good folks on here and I think I now know the difference between araucana, ameraucana, EE and olive eggers. So please excuse my first post.. I would like Ameraucana's. I have plenty of guinea eggs at the moment. Lots of colors - pearl, pied, buff, lavender. Thanks!
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