Lavender over Light Sussex


Nothing In Moderation
12 Years
May 14, 2009
(SW MO) Nevada, Missouri
My Coop
My Coop
Has anyone hatched out chicks from a Lavender (I used Lavender Orp project) over a Light Sussex? If so, is this what your chicks look like?

If I understand correctly, I mate these to each other (hoping I have a male and a female!), and will get Coronation pullets. To get Coronation roo I will need one more generation (mate resulting pullets back to a Light Sussex roo, I think?). Coronation mutts, not Coronation Sussex. They should be pretty though!
I think with breeding those together, you can get pullets and cockerels that are likely to be solid black, solid lavender, light columbian, and coronation colored. Unless the Lav that you used was carrying gold, they shouldnt have any correlation with only getting pullets that are corronation and even it did, I dont think it would matter in the third generation down, so like I said I think you should be pullets and roosters of the 4 colors I mentioned, and if you did only get coro pullets, it would take two more generations of crossing back to the light roo to get more coros.

Mmmmm Well I'm not sure what he means there, there shouldnt be any sexlinkage working there unless there was cold and silver working in there. For example, lets put the coronation a side for a second and while we are talking about Sussex I'll use Sussex as the example breed but it works in anybreed with a gold and silver phase of a same pattern. If you only had a Light Sussex rooster (silver) and a Buff Sussex hen ( gold) and you wanted to get more pure Light Sussex from just using those two birds and there offspring, you would cross the light roo on the buff hen and that will give you all pure light colored pullets but the roosters wont be pure for either the silver or the gold gene, they will have both, so to get pure light roosters, you will need to breed the light pullets back to the light father and get all light chicks. That is the only way there should be anything giving you only pulets of the coronation color, maybe someone else will chime in soon and help confirm one way or the other.

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