12 week old French Black Copper Marans cockerel


BeakHouse's Mad Chicken Scientist
15 Years
Aug 17, 2008
Larry, KS
My Coop
My Coop
This little boy is from some excellent lines and came from the last batch of eggs Revolutionmama got before she sold her whole flock. I snagged the eggs, but only need so many boys!

This is the last cockerel I'll be getting rid of- ntiveheart has 2 boys from the same flock, but a bit older. He's very sweet and came from a VERY dark egg. His leg feathering will fill in to be the appropriate French light feathering.

Sorry my pics are awful- yucky camera. Shipping cost will be actual shipping from zip code 66044 plus box fee of $10 if he's still under 10#.

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I will ship- The unfortunate part is that he's getting big and it may be costly depending on where you are. I'm in zip code 66044 and can figure the cost if you give me yours, or you can figure it. I'm right near the KC airport, so shipping is very fast and direct, with little truck time on my end. If you are near an airport it could be perfectly fine even in heat.

I'll try to get him and the box weighed today, but I'll assume it will be an 8# shipment, plus a box fee. I can use a $10 box if he's under 10#.
Thanks so much. Ive been trying to find a roo or two around me, but havent had any luck. My zip code is 76561. There is the Killeen airport about 30 mins away from me. Which I dont think would be to bad. How far from Wichita are you? My parents are visiting my sister up there right now.

Wichita is just 2 1/2 hours from me! If they can come up I can hand him over. I can't really meet them because I have a special needs bird needing hourly care. This would be a fantastic way for him to travel.

Let me know!!

I'll pm my phone number.
Thought it may help if I show some shots of the parent flock and found another one of him a few weeks back.




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