Do Goats and Chickens get along?


9 Years
Aug 5, 2010
Hebron, CT
My little one (12 yrs old) has been beggin me for a 'pygmie' goat. I am building the 'taj mahal' of chicken runs..((at least as exhausted as I am it feels that way). Its approx 16 x 20 and I only have 6 chickens..
So can I put a mini goat in with them without issue?
As long as you keep the goats out of the chicken feed and keep them wormed they will be fine. I have chickens, ducks, pygmy goats and dogs and they all get along great. The goats don't sleep in the chicken run or share a house with them though.
Hi there. I do not have any goats, but I have several friends with goats and chickens and they get along fine. The goats do have ample space to roam during the day though. I'm not sure about Pygmie goats need for space.
They get along fine. My goats even let the pullets ride them!
Funniest thing ever.
WOW Thanks guys! GREAT pictures! So the deal is that the set up would be the goat/ or goats would sleep in their own space at night and be with the chickens during the day in the same pen...(16x20)
I had some Nubian's and my friend that sold them to me said they shouldn't drink from water etc. from Bird's.I got the mama and 2 almost weaned young.Sure enough one of my babie's got the run's.She came over got me fixed up with Corid and he was on Pepto also for a few days but he got better.She's a smart lady when it come's to rabbit's, sheep goat, horses and cattle.TG she is my friend.Has helped me a lot with some problem's.I have an old pygmy billy and he never had problems with illness but I got him as an Older goat too so I dunno.He stays with cows and ponies now for last 3 years also.He is an Unfixed male with HUGE horn's .Maybe just just young goats should be seperated from feed /water till they get a bit older.Im no goat expert for sure.I sold my Nubians after one winter.Maybe someone with more experience can chime in.
She probably got the runs from the corn in the chicken food and not the water, corn gives them the runs so if you have goats and chickens you kind of have to not feed corn because the goats will defiantly get into the food!
My goats and chickens got along fine. Keeping the goats out of the chicken feed was the only hard thing.

Everyone enjoying a treat of raisin bran:



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