Bantam & LF chicks ~Serama, Polish, Brahma, Cochin, Silkie + more!


9 Years
Apr 11, 2010
Mooresville, IN
PLEASE DO NOT HIT BUY IT NOW as it will delete my post. Prices are listed for each chick below

Its that time of year to trim down on our numbers and we are offering some very nice quality birds for sale. Please email for photos of any of the birds listed below.. Also this is for pick up only or I can meet you half way (no more than a days trip round trip tho) for gas money which Im sure is cheaper than shipping.. not to mention less stressfully on the birds


Serama Chicks (6) 4-5weeks old many are looking like pullets ~ $10ea

Serama Cockerels (2) 6weeks old calico in color ~ $12ea

Serama Cockerel (1) 8weeks old calico in color ~ $12

Cochin Cockerels (1) 6weeks old calico in color. Calico is a project color and is still in the works these chicks are feathering in about 50/50 black and white with some brown/buff showing thru in spots. They are purebred cochins and are Lavender carriers as well ~ $4

Cochin Cockerels 8weeks old - 1 Black & 2 Blue ~ $4ea

Old English Game Chick 2weeks old. Only have the one and it is a Fawn Duckwing ~ $2

PAIR of Buff Sebrights about 8weeks old ~ $15 for the pair

Silver Spangled Hamburg ~ 1 chick hatched 8/27 and one pullet about 3months old. Chick is $10 and Pullet is $20

Cochin mix Pullet black in color about 6-8weeks old.. She was sold to me as a purebred but isnt looking the part and Im thinking she is mixed with an orpington ~ $3

Silkie Chicks 2 Blue & 4 Black hatched 8/27. All are bearded and all but 1 have 5 toes on each foot. One blue chick only has the 5 toes on one foot. ~ $10ea or $50 for all 6


Buff Orpington Pullets (4) 8weeks old ~ $8ea

Buff Laced Polish Chick and Cockerel 4weeks and 5months ~ Chick $6 and Cockerel $8

2 WCB Polish chicks hatch date 8/27 ~ $6ea

Partridge Cochin Chicks (4) 1-2weeks old These get BIG about 10-12lbs ~ $4ea

Light Brahma Chicks (8) 1-2weeks old These get BIG about 12-15lbs ~ $6ea


Melanistic Mutant Pheasant chicks (6) hatched 8/30 ~ $3ea or $10 for all 4







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Thank you both for your interest but I do not know how to ship birds and dont have boxes to do so. I have updated my post.. I will travel tho for gas money and a little for my time which im sure is cheaper than shipping not to mention less stressful.

Also luckypickens I maybe heading to AR near Little Rock in the next few months.. touch back with me through PM and we can try to set something up.


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