Just updated my web site! Great news, everybody - the project is WORKING! I can't believe it!!!
For those of you who haven't read about it already on past posts, I've been trying to make an "American" version of Swedish Flower Hens. Goal: Colorful mottled chickens, many colors within the same flock, including a more heavily-mottled (mostly white) color. Similar to Speckled Sussex but in more colors, but same basic body type and productivity. Know what's really interesting? There is almost ZERO Speckled Sussex in this flock, most work has been with this one crazy-colored Banty hen. Now I'll be working on getting the body type bigger, (they aren't truly banty sized anymore, but still smallish) and getting even less black and even brighter colors!
One step at a time, but heck, finally seeing some real progress! The newest batch is showing very consistent body type - this is starting to actually look like a BREED. I'm amazed!
For those of you who haven't read about it already on past posts, I've been trying to make an "American" version of Swedish Flower Hens. Goal: Colorful mottled chickens, many colors within the same flock, including a more heavily-mottled (mostly white) color. Similar to Speckled Sussex but in more colors, but same basic body type and productivity. Know what's really interesting? There is almost ZERO Speckled Sussex in this flock, most work has been with this one crazy-colored Banty hen. Now I'll be working on getting the body type bigger, (they aren't truly banty sized anymore, but still smallish) and getting even less black and even brighter colors!
One step at a time, but heck, finally seeing some real progress! The newest batch is showing very consistent body type - this is starting to actually look like a BREED. I'm amazed!
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