What color eggs do Partridge Rocks lay? Dominques? Brahmas?


10 Years
Jan 7, 2010
Greenwood, SC
I have 15 pullets of those three breeds and have suddenly gotten eggs. They're only 21 weeks so I'm happy! Just wondering what color eggs they lay. I have a really pretty brownish pink ones... kind of a medium brown with a tinge of pink. And some lighter pinkish ones. Not the same tan color that my cochins lay. Any thoughts? The brown/pink one is beautiful! Whoever's laying, I appreciate it! Makes up for the Serama eggs which are about the size of a pointy quarter.

The egg on the left is from my Dominiques. The right is from my Red Stars. The Dominique eggs are smaller, and lighter with a slight pinkish tint.
My brahma girls lay anything from a light or dark brown, to a tan, to a pink. Now that they are older their eggs aren't getting any larger - med. to large, but as I just remarked to DH that are getting rounder. They barely fit in the large sized egg carton they are so round.
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Thanks! At some point, I'd love to get some large eggs. Between the silkies, cochins and seramas, I barely have a medium! Well, that's not entirely true. My EE lay medium and so do the Ameraucanas. No one lays large yet. They are all very pretty though! The pinky brown one is gorgeous. I was mostly curious who laid that. Thanks for the responses!
My DH doesn't much get excited by chicken eggs, having grown up on this farm when it was a commercial broiler operation, however...

Even he is excited to see the eggs I am getting from my one turken pullet that is laying. She laid two small-ish eggs, they have been large since. A very pretty deep mauve color.

I'd love to get some pics of them, but my egg pics have never turned out well.

ETA: You should see some fairly large eggs from your brahma(s) in the future, but it takes awhile. Remember they are slow growing birds. Mine were two years old before they stopped growing and their second year of laying was better than their first.
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My partridge rocks are laying very light pinkish brown. Lighter then the smaller egg in the picture.
Dang! How big do they get? Mine are 21 weeks and huge! Compared to everyone else that is! Isn't getting eggs the best? I'm not sure why it's so exciting and fascinating every day, but it is!
Dang! How big do they get? Mine are 21 weeks and huge! Compared to everyone else that is! Isn't getting eggs the best? I'm not sure why it's so exciting and fascinating every day, but it is!

Some of my brahma flock:


My roo was 13 lbs. last time I weighed him (about a year ago). They don't call them large fowl for nothing.

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