need pic of splash silkie chicks


Aunt Kasey's Farm
9 Years
Mar 29, 2010
Scottsboro, AL
i have splash silkie chicks about 2 months old and they dont have spots, they just look white. i do have white silkies but they looked splash when they was first born so i dont think i mixed the eggs. has anyone had this problem? can you show me pics of splash chicks?
Here's a pic of my splash cockerel. He is now 4 months old. Has not crowed yet.


The same silkie chick at about 2 months of age.
Here is a splash and a white at around 2 months old:


The splash's spots have gotten darker since then. Also I've heard that if you breed splash to splash the offspring will be "faded".
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Yes, now I just have to paint him green. He has a cute face. He is the only splash I have so far. I'm hatching more silkie eggs now, and I sure hope I have more splashes. They are darn pretty to look at.
i couldnt find my cam so i took pics with my phone and sent it to my email but i havent got them in my email yet and its been 2 hours so idk whats wrong. one of my splash do have a few spots on its wing the other i couldnt see any. they both have a gray neck? they look like "the lisser's" silkie
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