Red earlobe turning white?


Flock Mistress
10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
Benton (Saline County) AR
I thought I'd gone crazy! I noticed today that one of my Cuckoo Marans girls suddenly has white earlobes!!!
Upon closer inspection, they are still red around the edges, but turning white from the center outwards (if you think of it as a circle, kinda) but I didn't get a decent picture.
Any ideas to throw around? Fungus? Her comb and stuff look fine so I wouldn't think frostbite on the side of her head.
I'll be off again tomorrow so I'll be looking again. She's acting fine and I guess still laying brown eggs (I know it wouldn't change lol) I got one Cuckoo egg today, and 2 yesterday (from 2 girls) so I think she's still laying pretty normal.
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Here she is, hard to get her close and still enough for good detail. Also seems like her hackle feathers are looking a bit whiter around the edges too. Weird



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I had hens doing the same thing.....then the white spots started getting crusty.....then it spread down the neck and they lost a lot of feathers and some spread to the comb and the back of the head and they are now balding....I thought the same as you at i am fighting a fungal infection named favus in my 29 chickens......keep a close eye on them.....I would treat with micozonal cream just in case to sorta nip it in the bud if it is favus

But I am new to chickens I may be wrong altogether...
Hello, my ex-battery is exhibiting the same - but no crustiness, just a change in colour. Just can't get close enough to rub at it, don't want to stress her though obviously I will if I have to. Did you ever get to the bottom of this? Mine only has a bit in the centre of each ear but appears to be in rampant good health. I know this is an old thread but just hoping to get some answers, can't find anything online - they aren't spots, just looks like she's got yoghurt smeared on them! (she hasn't). They (ears) look glossy and shiny otherwise, no dryness obvious. Thanks.
Hello, my ex-battery is exhibiting the same - but no crustiness, just a change in colour. Just can't get close enough to rub at it, don't want to stress her though obviously I will if I have to. Did you ever get to the bottom of this? Mine only has a bit in the centre of each ear but appears to be in rampant good health. I know this is an old thread but just hoping to get some answers, can't find anything online - they aren't spots, just looks like she's got yoghurt smeared on them! (she hasn't). They (ears) look glossy and shiny otherwise, no dryness obvious. Thanks.
It's probably just her coloring. If she is an ex batt, is she coming into molt?
Once you tame her and she settles in a bit, then examine the ear lobe.
Hello thanks for the reply. She's tame enough (I've had them a year now), just find handling them a bit stressful for all, just can't get her to keep still enough, but I can force the issue. They may be moulting, I'm getting a few feathers and the others are sprouting new feathers on the head - it's just that it's changing - would that happen (I assume she's about 2.5 years old)? If I grab her, what am I looking for? She looks absolutely fab otherwise, she was quite ill for a while a couple of months back but fully recovered.
Thanks again.
Hello thanks for the reply. She's tame enough (I've had them a year now), just find handling them a bit stressful for all, just can't get her to keep still enough, but I can force the issue. They may be moulting, I'm getting a few feathers and the others are sprouting new feathers on the head - it's just that it's changing - would that happen (I assume she's about 2.5 years old)? If I grab her, what am I looking for? She looks absolutely fab otherwise, she was quite ill for a while a couple of months back but fully recovered.
Thanks again.
If she's molting, then I wouldn't handle her until she's done.
If the ear lobe is dry, crusty or powdery when you examine her, then it could be something like Favus which is a fungal infection. You can dab on a little anti-fungal cream every few days.
OK, thank you - that's what I thought - that Favus is dry. It really does look like the first picture on here, but not dry. Can you just clarify - can the changing colour happen as they grow up - this is definitely a change in colour over the last few weeks. I'm not aware she's moulting drastically - I won't handle her if I can see new feathers, but I'll try and feel her ears ...
Thank you again! I love my girls but feel like such a newbie with them :)

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